Project Management Essentials

Whether you manage a call center, oversee an engineering team, own a technology startup, manage a manufacturing plant, or lead a nursing unit, you’ll likely need to build strong project management skills.

People who are effective project managers are in demand. They are highly sought after because they help organizations achieve goals and deliver value. They are often the first people to receive job promotions and be offered new opportunities. Strengthening your ability to plan, execute, and close projects will boost your effectiveness, no matter what type of work you do or your level in the organization.

Adhering to project management best practices ensures that you’ll successfully complete projects and win the respect of your peers and leaders alike. In this course, we show you how.

Licenses are valid for one learner only and are not transferable. All learners must have their own license to view or listen to the course.

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$129.00 USD per learner
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$995 USD per learner
(tiered discounts available for team & enterprise access)

Whether you manage a call center, oversee an engineering team, own a technology startup, manage a manufacturing plant, or lead a nursing unit, you’ll likely need to build strong project management skills.

People who are effective project managers are in demand. They are highly sought after because they help organizations achieve goals and deliver value. They are often the first people to receive job promotions and be offered new opportunities. Strengthening your ability to plan, execute, and close projects will boost your effectiveness, no matter what type of work you do or your level in the organization.

Adhering to project management best practices ensures that you’ll successfully complete projects and win the respect of your peers and leaders alike. In this course, we show you how.

Licenses are valid for one learner only and are not transferable. All learners must have their own license to view or listen to the course.

What You'll Earn

Learners who pass the final exam with a score of 70% or higher receive a signed, dated, and numbered course completion certificate and Achievement Badge.

TKMG Academy Achievement Badges include digital credentials—issued by Credly—which verify accomplishment. Learners can easily share their badges on LinkedIn and other social sites—and with employers and professional associations—to demonstrate their commitment to continuous learning and growth.

Course Breakdown

  • Lesson 1 – Introduction to Project Management
  • Lesson 2 – Project Characteristics
  • Lesson 3 – Types of Projects
  • Lesson 4 – Four Phases of Project Management
  • Lesson 5 – Roles & Responsibilities
  • Lesson 6 – Phase 1 – Initiate – Part 1
  • Lesson 7 – Phase 1 – Initiate – Part 2
  • Lesson 8 – Phase 1 – Initiate – Part 3
  • Lesson 9 – Phase 2 – Plan – Part 1
  • Lesson 10 – Phase 2 – Plan – Part 2
  • Lesson 11 – Phase 2 – Plan – Part 3
  • Lesson 12 – Phase 2 – Plan – Part 4
  • Lesson 13 – Phase 3 – Execute – Part 1
  • Lesson 14 – Phase 3 – Execute – Part 2
  • Lesson 15 – Phase 4 – Close – Part 1
  • Lesson 16 – Phase 4 – Close – Part 2 

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