Metrics-Based Process Mapping

Digital Book & Excel Tool

Metrics-Based Process Mapping

Digital Book & Excel Tool

Metrics-Based Process Mapping (MBPM)—developed by Karen Martin and Mike Osterling—is a powerful, tactical-level mapping approach that enables improvement teams to make effective, data-based decisions to improve processes and overall workflow. The mapping technique—often used to drill down from a value stream map or provide the inputs for creating standard workintegrates the functional orientation of traditional swimlane process maps with time and quality metrics that are essential for designing improved processes.

In this book (which includes PDF and EPUB versions), you’ll learn:

  • How standard time and quality metrics provide teams with an unequivocal way to identify waste and design improved processes
  • The step-by-step approach for creating current state and future state maps
  • And how to use summary metrics to reduce resistance to change and measure improvement successs

The accompanying Excel-based tooldescribed belowprovides a user-friendly way to create electronic maps that enable improvement, training, and process monitoring activities. The tool is currently available for PC users only.

After purchasing, you’ll receive an email with links to download the PDF book, EPUB file, and Excel tool.

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$50 USD


The Excel tool—which is currently available to PC usersprovides an easy way to map virtually and to electronically capture maps produced manually. Features include:

  • A custom toolbar that simplifies map creation and editing
  • Automated calculation of key metrics and projected results
  • An audit feature to prevent mapping errors
  • The ability to simulate how improvements will impact staffing needs

View the video demo to learn more about the Excel tool.

Excel Tool Demo