Training Within Industry: Job Instruction

Training Within Industry (TWI) Job Instruction is a proven and practical method for training new employees and internal transfers to produce consistent, high-quality work in far shorter time than typical training methods produce. This rapid development of mastery carries significant organizational benefits, such as the ability to generate more output that’s higher quality and costs less to produce.

We’re pleased to have partnered with the TWI Institute to develop and deliver this course.

In this course, you’ll learn:

1. The four-step method for TWI Job Instruction, including a real-world demonstration of the technique.
2. How to break jobs into their component parts, using few and simple words that are easily understood and retained.
3. How to identify and teach the critical Key Points in performing any job in any industry.
4. How to create a training plan that ensures workers have the skills to consistently perform at high levels.

Licenses are valid for one learner only and are not transferable. All learners must have their own license to view or listen to the course.

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$129 USD per learner
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$1,295 USD per learner

Training Within Industry (TWI) Job Instruction is a proven and practical method for training new employees and internal transfers to produce consistent, high-quality work in far shorter time than typical training methods produce. This rapid development of mastery carries significant organizational benefits, such as the ability to generate more output that’s higher quality and costs less to produce.

We’re pleased to have partnered with the TWI Institute to develop and deliver this course.

In this course, you’ll learn:

1. The four-step method for TWI Job Instruction, including a real-world demonstration of the technique.
2. How to break jobs into their component parts, using few and simple words that are easily understood and retained.
3. How to identify and teach the critical Key Points in performing any job in any industry.
4. How to create a training plan that ensures workers have the skills to consistently perform at high levels.

Licenses are valid for one learner only and are not transferable. All learners must have their own license to view or listen to the course.

What You'll Earn

Learners who pass the final exam with a score of 70% or higher receive a signed, dated, and numbered course completion certificate and Achievement Badge.

TKMG Academy Achievement Badges include digital credentials—issued by Credly—which verify accomplishment. Learners can easily share their badges on LinkedIn and other social sites—and with employers and professional associations—to demonstrate their commitment to continuous learning and growth.

Course Breakdown

  •  Lesson 1 – History of TWI
  •  Lesson 2 – Five Needs for Effective Supervisors
  •  Lesson 3 – Importance of Good Instruction
  •  Lesson 4 – Poor Instruction – Telling Alone
  •  Lesson 5 – Poor Instruction – Showing Alone
  •  Lesson 6 – Correct Instruction – Prepare the Worker
  •  Lesson 7 – Correct Instruction – Present the Operation
  •  Lesson 8 – Correct Instruction – Try-Out Performance
  •  Lesson 9 – Correct Instruction – Follow-Up
  •  Lesson 10 – Prepare to Instruct – Overview
  •  Lesson 11 – Prepare to Instruct – Job Breakdown – Important Steps
  •  Lesson 12 – Prepare to Instruct – Job Breakdown – Key Points and Reasons
  •  Lesson 13 – Prepare to Instruct – Job Breakdown – Summary
  •  Lesson 14 – Prepare to Instruct – Training Timetable
  •  Lesson 15 – Prepare to Instruct – Training Timetable + Other Prep

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